Transfer your media from Facebook to Google Phtos

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Finally Facebook had made the data transfer tool available to all over the globe through the blog post, which was earlier available only to to the Users in USA and Canada.

This data transfer tool allows you to create a copy of all the photos or videos on your Facebok account and transfer them to a linked Google Photos account. Earlier, this tool was made available to selected countries, is now available to everyone.

So, how to transfer your photos and videos? Here’s the way:

1. Firstly, log into your Facebook account and click on the down arrow at the top end of the menu bar.

Facebook Data Transfer Tool

2. Then select Settings & privacy > Settings.

Facebook Data Transfer Tool

3. Now, go to Your Facebook information section and select Transfer a copy of your photos or videos.

Facebook Data Transfer Tool

4. Here, enter your Facebook password, if prompted and choose the transfer destination as Google Photos.

Facebook Data Transfer Tool

5. You can select either Photos or Videos and click Next, which takes you to authenticate Facebook to transfer your media to Google Photos.

Facebook Data Transfer Tool

As of now, this tool can only transfer media to Google, but later expected to have multiple platforms as a part of the Open Source Data Transfer Project formed by the alliance of Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Twitter back in 2018.